
8-8.5mm Classic Japanese Akoya Pearl Necklace (Flower Bead Grade)

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Purchased from Mie Prefecture, the hometown of Akoya pearls in Japan, each Akoya pearl nurtured in the Sea of ​​Japan is selected by professional pearl divers to ensure that the luster, color and roundness meet WILLS JEWELLERY's most stringent standards for pearls.

Each pearl in the Japanese Akoya Pearl Necklace is perfectly round and pink-white, and is paired with a pea bead clasp, making the entire pearl necklace look extra precious. It is suitable for daily wear or for weddings, dinners, and gifts.

Product information

Product number N123-PLBR50
Necklace material 925 Sterling Silver Pea Bead Button
Pearl information 8-8.5mm perfect round Japanese Akoya pearls (flower pearl grade)
Pearl quality

Quality explanation:
AA-AAA Perfect round, whiteish, few flaws AAA-AAAA Perfect round, pinkish white, flawless AAAA+ Perfect round, pinkish, flawless

Attached certificate

Necklace length 17 inches


(1): If in stock, it can be collected/delivered within 1-5 working days

(2): If out of stock, you need to make a reservation. It can be collected/delivered within 2-8 weeks.

WILLS JEWELLERY carefully creates your unique one for you
  • 訂購熱線 +852 35719629
  • 門店位於中環蘭桂坊
  • 本地速遞免運費
  • 終身保養服務


WILLS JEWELLERY 非常注重客戶體驗,提供完善的售前及終身售後服務,希望您所選購的瑰寶能歷久常新、世代相傳。


WILLS JEWELLERY gift packaging

All jewelry sold by WILLS JEWELLERY is packaged in noble and elegant jewelry boxes, including jewelry boxes for rings, earrings/pendants, and bracelets/necklaces, which are as elegant and appropriate as gifts or even proposals.

The surface of the jewelry box is made of shiny wood-grained pearl paper, and the inner cage is made of non-stick suede. Each box can be equipped with or without LED spotlights.

WILLS jewelry box features

LED spotlight inside the box

The inner cage is equipped with LED spotlights to make the jewelry more beautiful, and the battery can be replaced as needed.

Extra protective outer box

In order to prevent the jewelry box from being damaged during transportation, all styles of jewelry boxes come with an extra protective box cover, which gives you extra care when giving gifts and provides better protection for the jewelry.

Non-stick suede inner cage

The inner cage of the jewelry box is made of non-stick suede, which allows the jewelry box to withstand the test of time and remain new for a long time, giving your jewelry long-term protection.


The most accurate way to know your ring size is to measure the inner diameter of the ring that you wear regularly and that feels comfortable.

How to measure the inner diameter of a ring

  1. Please first draw a circle along the inner ring of the ring with a pencil

  2. Then measure the diameter of the circle using a ruler

  3. to get the correct length of diameter

  4. Use the international ring size chart to calculate the correct ring size

  5. WILLS JEWELLERY uses Hong Kong circle ( Hong Kong degree)

WILLS practical tips

Before deciding on the size of a ring to purchase, consider several environmental and practical factors. When estimating your or your partner's ring size, consider the larger size as it is easier to size down.

average ring size

The average ring size for Asian ladies is Hong Kong degree 8-16, which is directly proportional to the body's bone size (height) and body shape. Usually, the ring size for women with a height of 150cm-160cm is Hong Kong degree 8-11; the ring size for women with a height of 160cm-170cm is Hong Kong degree 10-15; the ring size for women with height above 170cm is Hong Kong degree 14 or above.

different times of day

Dusk is an ideal time to measure your finger size. Most people's fingers are largest at dusk and thinner in the morning. Measure yourself or your partner's ring size at dusk to ensure a comfortable fit.

different times of year

The fingers change with temperature, so the size can change depending on the weather. Cold winter weather can cause fingers to shrink, while summer or warm, humid weather can cause them to swell. Avoid taking hand measurements in very cold or hot weather.

Swelling and contraction of fingers

Exercise, edema, pregnancy, aging, and arthritis can all affect the size of your fingers. WILLS JEWELLERY recommends that when purchasing a style with wider hoops, consider sizing up half a size to make it more comfortable to wear.

Go to < International Ring Size Comparison Chart >






成立超過十年、並承繼著三十多年家族的珠寶首飾製作經驗,WILLS JEWELLERY至今已服務逾2500位顧客,成功打造出信譽良好的著名香港珠寶品牌。品牌自設門店於繁華的中環鬧市之中,為客人提供優質及專業的珠寶購物及度身訂製服務。




WILLS JEWELLERY 只選用從原產地直送的天然寶石,並有駐場鑒證師確保所有來料均符合本店最嚴謹的質量要求。






珍珠為 6 月的誕生石,石語為:「健康」、「長壽」、「純潔的愛」。 同時是結婚 3 和 30 周年紀念寶石。
Akoya珍珠是一種海水珍珠,特指產自馬氏珠母貝的珍珠。它的名字並不是品牌名字,也不是地名,而是貝母品種的名稱。Akoya珍珠的主要產地是日本,特別是三重、雄本、愛媛縣一帶的濑戶內海。 Akoya珍珠的顏色豐富,包括白色、粉色、銀藍色、金色等等,一般都帶有伴色。它的表面通常都有很強且多變的光澤,因此有人稱之為珍珠界的“小燈泡”12。由於馬氏珠母貝體積較小,承載能力弱,一個母貝中只能孕育一顆Akoya珍珠,而常見的Akoya珍珠大小主要在5至8毫米之間。
南洋珍珠產於南太平洋,是海水珍珠的一種,主要分佈在四個主要產地:澳大利西北部海域 - 盛產白色珍珠、印尼和菲律賓 - 盛產金色珍珠 及 大溪地 - 盛產黑色珍珠。南洋珠的母貝是白蝶貝,這種貝的個體最大,一般直徑在10至15毫米之間,最大可達18毫米,史上最大的南洋珠直徑甚至達到21毫米。南洋珍珠以其色澤豐富而著名,包括銀白、粉色、銀色、金色、淡金色、玫瑰紅色、灰色、黑色等。在1993年的紐約拍賣場上,一串澳洲南洋珍珠創下了225萬美元的世界紀錄。
淡水珍珠是指江、河中產出的珍珠。中國的淡水珠主要養殖區在諸暨、常德、蘇州、江西、湖北和安徽,產淡水珍珠的多采用三角帆蚌。 淡水珍珠和海水珍珠不同之處在於:前者是無核珍珠,後者是有核珍珠。天然顏色介乎粉白色至淡黃色之間。另外一種稱為愛迪生珍珠的品種,顏色較為豐富,以紫色系為主。



世界因色彩而變得美麗,讓平淡的生活添上繽紛的顏色。WILLS JEWELLERY 精於搜羅來自世界各地的彩色寶石,並由本地工匠以精湛工藝製成美輪美奐的珠寶首飾。


專屬您唯一的珠寶 • 您值得擁有

每位珠寶愛好者,都希望擁有專屬自己獨一無二的珠寶首飾,WILLS JEWELLERY 提供一站式珠寶首飾度身定製服務,為您鑄造屬於您的唯一。



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