【WILLS LIVE TALK】How can tsavorite be a substitute? Distinguish the beauty of "tsavorite" and "emerald" in 1 minute

【WILLS LIVE TALK】How can tsavorite be a substitute? Distinguish the beauty of "tsavorite" and "emerald" in 1 minute

This time we bring you the green representative of the January birthstone "Garnet", a 1.04ct green Tsavorite from Kenya! Many people mistakenly believe that tsavorite can be used as a substitute for emerald, but this is so unfair! Tsavorite is a type of garnet. Garnet itself has fewer inclusions than emerald, which greatly enhances its fire. In addition, the hue of emerald is closer to the green-blue color system, which is very different from the pure green of tsavorite. To put it simply, the clear stone texture and rich green color are her biggest differences!
Visit the store and view them directly, the colors are more realistic and detailed!

[January birthstone- Tsavorite]

1.04ct ; 6.05 x 5.26 x 3.34mm

Unfired Vivid Green Intense deep green cushion-shaped tsavorite

*Comes with gem identification certificate

1.20ct ; 6.38 x 5.85 x 4.99mm

Very slightly oily green small octagonal emerald

*Comes with gem identification certificate

0.55ct ; 6.00 x 3.84 mm

Oily dark green small octagonal emerald pendant with diamonds

Extended reading - Understanding green gemstones:

The Holy Maiden among Gems ~ Tsavorite (Tsavorite) Tasting

Tsavorite is a rare variety of bright green garnet...

Emerald (emerald) selection knowledge and gem grading

Whether emerald (emerald) is good or beautiful, you can actually first look at the color...

More related links:


【WILLS Style Appreciation】 https://wills.hk/blogs/wills-blog/tagged/high-jewellery

【WILLS fans’ feedback】 https://wills.hk/blogs/wills-blog/tagged/fans

【Latest·Diamond Offer】 https://wills.hk/pages/wills-special-offer

【Latest Gemstone Offer】 https://wills.hk/pages/wills-gemstone-offer



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