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WILLS Gemstone Appraisal (Sapphire Edition)

WILLS Gemstone Appraisal (Sapphire Edition)

Sapphire is a traditional precious gemstone. If you want to choose satisfactory sapphire jewelry, you need to pay attention to the quality of the gemstone in addition to the style. So how should fans identify the grade of sapphire?WILLS JEWELLERYA set of gemstone evaluation criteria has been established to help everyone better understand the characteristics of the selected blue sapphires.

WILLS JEWELLERY Gemstone evaluation

Rating notes

Cutting CuttingThe cutting and polishing process used by craftsmen. The vast majority of gemstone cuts are composite, meaning they involve more than one cutting technique. Commonly seen is the brilliant cut crown(Crown)Pavilion with a tiered cutting design(Pavilion)to perfectly showcase the inherent color of the gemstone.

Origin OriginThe physical characteristics of a gemstone’s origin. Gemstones from different origins have unique local geographical structures and characteristics. Therefore, through the characterization of gemstones, the characteristics of the origin of the gemstone can be summarized.

Color Saturation Saturation:The saturation of a gemstone’s inherent natural color. Even the same color can have different color saturations (light to dark), giving gemstones a fascinating variety.

Color Tone: The inherent natural color category of gemstones is closely related to the place of origin and is also one of the characteristics of the place of origin.

ribbon ZoningColor bands are an important element in giving gemstones their inherent color. If you look closely, they look like color stripes. The color bands of most sapphires are not uniformly distributed, so the presence of color bands can be observed from certain angles. The less obvious the color band, the higher the gem value.

transparency TransparencyThe density, distribution, and quality of inclusions affect the gemstone's appearance,Gemstones with higher transparency will show more fire. However, certain colors of sapphire (such as cornflower blue) have specific inclusions that give the sapphire its unique color.

Heating optimization Thermal EnhancementThe traditional gem physical optimization process is to enhance the original color of the gem, making it more appreciable, thereby increasing its value; naked eye observation cannot distinguish whether the gem has been heated. All heat-optimized gemstones are natural(Natural)The professional gemological laboratory will also provide heat-treated optimized gemstones. - natural(Natural)Rating. It is worth noting that the color of the gemstone after heating is permanent(permanent)The change, the color will not change with the passage of time.

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