WILLS JEWELLERY A unique and rare collection of diamond cut gemstones

WILLS JEWELLERY A unique and rare collection of diamond cut gemstones

In addition to density, another important element in gems and diamonds is the cutting process. Diamond cutting is mainly to increase its brightness and sparkle, while general colored gemstones are cut mainly to highlight its "fire", so the diamond cutting process is used to make the sapphire look larger and sparkler.

The diamond-cut crown has a large facet, while the pavilion has a smaller facet; the upper end of the diamond shape is from the waistline to the tabletop. The function of the crown is to disperse the light entering the diamond. When light enters the interior of a diamond, it will make the entire loose diamond visually brighter and look like a colorful flame; as for the pavilion, the part below the girdle and the bottom of the diamond, the light entering the diamond through the crown is reflected into the eyes. .

Therefore, a diamond-cut pink sapphire will look larger and sparkle more. Its meticulously crafted design is even more unique and rare.

Sapphire jewelry using the diamond's 58-facet technique.

"WILLS Diamond Cut Pink and Lavender Sapphire Series"

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