GIA Colored Diamond Certificate Sample
Hue represents the main color and secondary color contained in colored diamonds. For example, a pink diamond with brown color will be called Brownish Pink, with the secondary color in the front and the main color in the back. This kind of color ranking has a very significant impact on the value of colored diamonds. If it is also a brown diamond, and the color ranking becomes Pinkish Brown, it means that the diamond is a brown diamond rather than a pink diamond. Everyone should remember this.
Tone represents the expression of colors from light to dark. Very light colors are called Faint, and very dark colors are called Fancy Dark. Note that colored diamonds do not necessarily have a high quality if they are dark in color. If the color is too light or too dark, both the visual appearance and the value of the diamond will be greatly reduced.
Saturation represents the density of the color. Only when the color depth reaches the Fancy level will GIA add the color density to the rating range. Don't confuse color intensity with color depth. The former represents the lightness and darkness of the color, and the latter represents the vividness of the color.