[Gemstone Knowledge] Carmine Red Gemstone - Color Elements, Historical Culture and Contemporary Jewelry

[Gemstone Knowledge] Carmine Red Gemstone - Color Elements, Historical Culture and Contemporary Jewelry

Carmine is a traditional red pigment from the East and its history can be traced back to ancient China. In traditional Chinese culture, carmine plays an important role and is regarded as the representative color of women.

The application of carmine in ancient times

In ancient China, carmine was widely used for makeup and decoration. Women would apply rouge on their cheeks to increase their charm and beauty. Carmine was also used for dyeing, which made fabrics more colorful. Carmine was also often used in ancient Chinese art works, such as silk paintings, sculptures, ceramics, silk fabrics, etc., making them full of vitality and vitality, and showing the beauty of Chinese culture.

Literary significance of rouge

Carmine also has special significance in Chinese literature. In Tang poetry and Song lyrics, poets often use "rouge" to describe women's beauty or love. For example, "Song of Everlasting Regret" describes that Concubine Yang "forgot her home on a snowy night in her fragrant boudoir. She has a long waist, a jade body, and a soft breast. We met by chance on the shore of love, and her rouge tears splashed in the Fen River." The rouge here is a reference to female beauty and love. An interpretation and a symbol.

Rouge's story

Stories about rouge are also very rich in Chinese culture. Perhaps the most famous story is the legend of "Diao Chan". "Diao Chan" was a beautiful woman in the Han Dynasty who sacrificed herself to save the country. Legend has it that she wrote a letter of loyalty in carmine and then signed it in her own blood to prove her integrity and determination.
In the famous Chinese literary novel "A Dream of Red Mansions", Bao Dai's makeup habit also reveals her pursuit of red. The description of Bao Dai's dressing up in the novel is full of the pursuit of red makeup, such as "her eyebrows are repainted, her rouge is light, and she wears a red embroidered shirt in her pocket." The red on the embroidered shirt symbolizes her beauty and wealth, and the bright red rouge in her makeup is eye-catching.

Carmine in modern jewelry design

Modern jewelry designers are good at combining ancient culture with modern styles and using traditional elements for jewelry design. Therefore, carmine red is often used in modern jewelry, adding more cultural significance and artistic sense to it, which can bring people A mysterious and noble feeling, and increases the value and charm of jewelry. In jewelry design, designers often incorporate carmine color into cultural elements to create elegant and elegant works. The most representative gem types of carmine include: Ruby, Spinel, Garnet and Tourmaline.

Carmine ruby ​​ring

Carmine Ruby Pendant

Carmine spinel ring

carmine garnet ring

Carmine Tourmaline Ring

WILLS Rouge Red Jewelry

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