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Cherish Sharing ~ Red and Green that Make People's Hearts Bloom

Cherish Sharing ~ Red and Green that Make People's Hearts Bloom

Fans who read our blog should not be strangers to super gem fan Miss C, before she again came to WILLS shop treasure hunt, encountered two beautiful gems, one red, one green, and finally chose to customize two Completely different ring styles. One is a classic three-stone design, ruby ​​on both sides with two round white diamonds, like a small wine nest on the cheek, cute and unique. The other is the divination ring arm inlaid with diamonds, from different angles can see the ring's sparkle splendor, grace and elegance.
In fact, every time I see Miss C the store manager I feel very happy, in addition to because she talks very politely, every time when she sees the gem she will be very frankly express her feelings, grateful to meet Their favorite gems, can meet this customer really happy!


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