Fans' reply~ Pointing to the daisy

Fans' reply~ Pointing to the daisy

The colors of sapphire are truly ever-changing. Take the blue color system as an example. In addition to the familiar Royal Blue, there are also Navy Blue, which is more lake-green, and Sky Blue, which is like a clear sky. As the saying goes, each color expresses a different personality and is a symbol of personal taste. Therefore, sapphire is more malleable than diamonds and can more directly show one's unique charm.
The protagonist of this guest interview, Miss J, is a loyal fan of our gemstone series. While most customers are pursuing royal blue sapphires, she prefers sky blue, which is closer to nature. The vast majority of light blue sapphires have not been physically heated (i.e. not fired) and retain the most natural color. Therefore, each color is unique and different. You have to choose the color you like. Hit the God of Hands. The shop owner had purchased three sky-blue sapphires earlier, and when he realized that Ms. J had mentioned that she wanted to buy a sapphire ring, he immediately asked her to go to the shop to see if it would hit her finger. The three sapphires have different colors, including purple, light blue and grayish blue. Miss J has chosen the color she likes in a short time. "Wear it in the same color" already represents what she wants in her heart. think.
After taking it back home, Ms. J happily sent a reply to our store. The sapphire ring lies on the hand like a daisy🥰


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