

本網站所載之資訊(包括但不限於產品及服務資料、圖像、廣告等;統稱“本網站資訊”)均由WILLS JEWELLERY(“本公司”)依據其現行慣例及政策,並利用其現時所得的資料編製而成。為確保本網站資訊的準確性,本公司將定期進行檢查,並於適當時更新本網站資訊,以反映情況的轉變。



如對上述聲明有任何疑問,請電郵至 info@wills.hk 與本公司聯絡。


本網站所載之資訊(包括但不限於產品及服務資料、圖像、廣告等;統稱“本網站資訊”)均受有關版權法例所保護,WILLS JEWELLERY(“本公司”)均保留所有權利,閣下除可列印或下載本網站資訊成硬拷貝件作私人或非商業用途外,概不得以其他方式使用,且不得刪除本網站資訊附載的任何版權聲明。



如對上述聲明有任何疑問,請電郵至 info@wills.hk 與本公司聯絡。


WILLS JEWELLERY(“本公司”)承諾尊重閣下個人私隱,維護閣下個人私隱得到保密,並嚴格遵守香港特別行政區法例第486章《個人資料(私隱)條例》的規定,且同時訂立本政策,目的為閣下闡明本公司如何收集、使用、披露及保留閣下的個人資料。

(1) 個人資料的收集


  •  申請成為本公司任何會員計劃之會員;
  •  申請成為本公司任何產品或服務之承包商、代理商或供應商;
  •  申請成為本公司僱員;
  •  登記參與本公司舉辦之任何活動、比賽、抽獎或問卷調查;
  •  使用本公司任何網上購物平台;
  •  使用本公司任何網上互動平台;及
  •  與本公司聯絡。





(2) 個人資料的使用


  •  確認及核實閣下身份;
  •  管理閣下之會員帳戶(包括但不限於編制會員網上登入密碼);
  •  處理閣下查詢、投訴、申請及產品或服務訂單;
  •  理解閣下的特點,向閣下提供更合適的宣傳推廣、折扣優惠及產品服務,並不時提供相關資訊,讓閣下了解有關詳情;
  •  作管理、運作及維持本公司向閣下所提供之活動或服務(包括審計或執行有關活動或服務條款所載明之雙方權利);
  •  公佈由本公司舉辦之任何活動、比賽或抽獎之得獎者名單;
  •  向閣下提供產品售後服務;
  •  就有關服務向閣下收取應繳款項;
  •  向閣下發送電子心意賀卡及相關素材;
  •  作調查、統計及研究,制定或改善服務質素、營運政策、市場推廣及宣傳策略;
  •  調查可疑交易,協助防止及偵測罪行;及
  •  根據法例作出披露。


閣下如欲拒絕接收有關宣傳推廣、折扣優惠及產品服務的資訊,請電郵至 info@wills.hk 與本公司聯絡。

(3) 個人資料的披露


  •  向為協助執行上述用途,而受本公司聘用提供包括行政、電訊、電腦及資訊科技、付款、第三者收賬機構、數據處理、郵遞、市場調查、發送宣傳推廣資訊等服務之代理人、服務承辦商(例如專業顧問、銀行、技術員、顧客市場調查公司、電訊或網絡服務供應商或資料輸入公司等)(統稱“第三方”)、與本公司合作提供推廣優惠、活動或獎賞之服務供應商或零售商(統稱“參與商戶”)披露,以提供有關產品、服務或處理相關申請,並提升營運效率。上述第三方、參與商戶、本公司均負有保密責任,並僅被許可對閣下的個人資料作上述用途,不得以其他目的使用;
  •  向政府機構、執法機關或法庭命令的第三方作出披露,以保障本公司權益及配合打擊罪行;及
  •  當本公司進行合併、收購或出售全部或大部分股份予第三方時,可能會連同閣下的個人資料轉移至該第三方。



(4) 個人資料的保留及安全




(5) 個人資料的查閱或更正



  •  查閱本公司是否持有閣下之個人資料,並可要求獲得相關資料;
  •  更正閣下已向本公司提供之個人資料;


閣下如欲作上述資料之查閱或更正,請電郵至 info@wills.hk 與本公司聯絡。



(6) 第三方網站連結


  1.  本政策不會限制閣下在香港特別行政區法例第486章《個人資料(私隱)條例》下所享有的權利。
  2.  本公司有權不時修訂本政策。
  3.   本政策原文以中文撰寫,並可能翻譯成其他語言。如遇中文文本與其他譯本有任何歧異,一概以中文文本為準。





你可能會留意到某些貨品WILLS JEWELLERY只提供 '查詢/報價' 的客制服務。如需要訂購客制款式,請直接點擊貨品頁面上的 '查詢/報價' 圖示,然後把你的要求填寫在查詢表格上,本店會盡快回覆你。或者直接致電 / Whatsapp +852 35719629索取報價及產品相關資料。

由於系統或輸入錯誤的關係,本網站所顯示的數據(包括價錢)或會出現不確情況。儘管我們盡力避免此等錯誤,然而謬誤仍有機會發生。我們保留於錯誤發生時糾正任何及全部錯誤的權利,且我們絕不按不確或錯誤價錢出售商品。倘若產品的標價低於其真實價錢,我們將視乎情況,在產品付運前聯絡閣下以徵詢閣下意見,又或取消有關訂單,並向閣下發出有關通知。倘若訂單已經付運,閣下可選擇把產品退回,或繳付真實價格與記帳價格間的差額。我們的產品價錢可隨時變更而無需發出通知。我們為由此造成的任何不便衷心致歉。如果您有任何問題,請隨時電郵至 eshop@wills.hk 或 致電 +852 35719629,以聯絡我們。



WILLS JEWELLERY 一絲不苟,盡力確保我們的網上產品目錄提供最佳的準確度和完整性。為使您能更精緻地檢視我們的產品,部份產品在照片中的大小可能與其實際大小有所差異;此外,由於每台電腦顯示屏的設定各不相同,因此屏幕所示的顏色大小與實物的顏色大小也可能略有出入。

我們的目標,是為您可能作出的購買提供盡量多的資料和細節,好讓您能細察到不同產品各自的美感和形貌。WILLS JEWELLERY 明確指出任何產品的克拉總重量均可能與所列重量有 0.05 克拉的出入,此舉完全符合行業標準和聯邦貿易委員會的規例。

在本網站中,我們所提供的產品尺寸數據乃基於我們的製造規格。製造期間產品需經過最後潤飾工序,因此我們接受微小的容忍限度。我們對機器製作的結婚戒指皆容許 0.2 毫米的幅寬容錯。鑄造的戒指幅寬容錯可能略多。

寶石和珍珠的尺寸數據,我們均容許0.25 毫米的容忍限度。



WILLSJEWELLERY 只從最大型和聲譽最佳的供應商採購鑽石,這些供應商如我們一樣,均嚴格遵守並履行由金伯利進程所創立的標準,該進程乃一個監控鑽石貿易的國際體系,目的為確保鑽石均來自無衝突來源。細閱更多關於 WILLSJEWELLERY 的道德採購政策的資料,並了解我們採取甚麼措施來確保我們的鑽石均來自無衝突來源。


請參閱我們的隱私聲明 ,以了解 WILLS JEWELLERY 怎樣收集、使用和披露從客戶收集到的可用以辨識個人身份的資料。


本網站及所有內容和其他材料,包括但不限於 WILLS JEWELLERY 標誌,及所有設計、文字、圖像、圖片、選輯、協調、界面外觀、資料、數據、軟件、聲音檔案、其他檔案和以上各項的選輯排列(統稱為「網站材料」),均為 WILLS JEWELLERY 或其授權商或用家的所有財產,並受商業包裝、版權、專利權及商標法律,以及其他多條知識產權及不公平競爭法例保護。


在未得 WILLS JEWELLERY 或有關商標持有人的事先書面批准前,一概不得以全部或局部形式進行複製、模仿或使用。  在未得我們事先書面批准前,閣下不得使用載有「WILLS JEWELLERY」或任何其他 WILLS JEWELLERY 的名稱、商標或產品或服務名稱的任何元標籤或任何其他「隱藏文字」。本網站提及的所有其他商標、註冊商標、產品名稱和 WILLS JEWELLERY 名稱或標記,均為其各自擁有人的財產。


除非 WILLS JEWELLERY 以書面方式另行明確表示,否則本網站、其中所載內容及其上所提供或與之相關的產品和服務(「產品和服務」),均按「如現狀」基礎予以提供,並不附帶任何類型的任何明示或暗示保證。WILLS JEWELLERY  卸棄所有其他明示或暗示的保證,包括但不限於有關可售性、合於特別使用目的、所有權,以及就本網站所載資料、內容和材料的不侵犯性的暗示保證。WILLS JEWELLERY 並不表明或保證,本網站的材料或有關服務屬準確、完整、可靠、適時或無誤。WILLS JEWELLERY  並不表明或保證,本網站或其伺服器不受病毒或其他有害元件侵擾。


就由對本網站所作使用、產品及服務或本網站所載或經本網站存取的內容所導致的,或以任何方式與之相關的(包括但不限於任何由用戶依賴任何從 WILLS JEWELLERY 獲取的資料而導致或引起的損壞),或由謬誤、錯漏、中斷、檔案或電郵的刪除、錯誤、欠妥之處、病毒、運作或傳輸延誤或任何表現不良所引起的(不論是否由不可抗力、通訊失誤、盜竊、破壞或對 WILLS JEWELLERY 的記錄、程式或服務所作的不獲授權存取引起)任何直接、特殊、間接或重大損壞或任何類型的任何其他損壞而言(包括但不限於損失使用、損失盈利及損失數據),WILLS JEWELLERY 、其董事、成員、僱員或代理人在任何情況下均無需負上責任,不論是否牽涉違約訴訟或侵權行為訴訟(包括但不限於疏忽)或其他訴訟。


閣下同意,WILLS JEWELLERY 可隨時修改此等條款及條件以及任何其他本網站上的政策,且於本網站上張貼經修改的條款及條件或政策即構成該等修改的充份通知。


不論有任何此等條款及條件,WILLS JEWELLERY 保留其在不發出通知的情況下按其單方酌情決定,中止閣下使用本網站的許可證,以及封鎖或防止閣下於未來存取並使用本網站的權利。




如果您有任何問題,請隨時電郵至 info@wills.hk 或 致電+852 35719629,以聯絡我們的鑽飾珠寶顧問。條款及條件更新日期為 April 17th, 2018。


Privacy Policy and Personal Information Collection Statements

WILLS JEWELLERY values you and respect your personal data privacy. Thus, we shall try our best endeavours to observe the requirements of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance of Hong Kong Cap. 486 ("the Ordinance") in collecting, maintaining and using your personal data.


Require for Personal Information

You, as a site visitor, can freely explore this website largely without having to reveal any personal data. However, there are certain areas on our site where we may require your personal information/data.
Please read the following paragraphs before you send us any personal information/data.
When you sign up to receive our e-Newsletter, we request the following personal information/data:

1. Name
2. Email address

If you, as the recipient, receive an e-Newsletter sent from someone through our website, your name and email address will be added to our e-newsletter mailing list unless you indicate otherwise.

Use of information

We may use the data collected and provided by you for one or more of the following purposes:
1. To contact you regarding your enquiries;
2. For identification and verification purposes;
3. For our own internal records and statistical purposes;
4. To notify you any changes of our website;
5. To send you our e-Newsletters; and
6. To send you messages related to event or activities organized or promoted by us

You are aware, agree and authorise that the information/data provided by you to us may be provided to, disclosed to, accessed by and transferred to: -

a. Any person or companies under a duty of keeping the information confidential;

b. Any contractors, agents, or companies engaged by us for or in relation to any of the purposes listed above or who provides administrative, telecommunications, computer online, professional or other services to us. The aforesaid information/data provided to our service providers and third party intermediaries are crucial for us to effect our action and activities.


Subject to the above, we emphasize that we will take all necessary and reasonable steps to ensure that the information/data collected will be under strict confidentiality and will not be transferred to any profit making body or institution for commercial use. 


Personal information Collection Statement (“PICS”)

1. Your Privacy

WILLS JEWELLERY (“we”, “our” or “us”) respects your legal rights of privacy when collecting, storing, using and transmitting personal data and this PICS explains our privacy practices.


Please read the following carefully to understand our policy and practice regarding how your personal data will be treated. This policy may be updated and revised from time to time.


If there is any inconsistency between English and Chinese versions of this Privacy Policy Statement, the Chinese version shall prevail.


“Personal Data” means any personal identifying information or sensitive data (such as names, occupations, addresses, contact details, ID Card or Passport numbers, credit card information, your age, your marital status, your employer, your income, demographic data) from which it is practicable for an individual’s identity to be ascertained.


2. Purposes for which we will use your Personal Data

Your personal data may be collected when you make a purchase or apply to be our member. The purposes for which we may use your personal data are divided into obligatory purpose, these personal data will be marked as “mandatory” in the Member Application Form and you MUST provide your personal data to us if you want us to provide the service for which you are applying. For personal data which is only to be used for a voluntary purpose, it is entirely up to you to decide whether you want to provide such information to us or not.

Purposes for which it is obligatory for you to provide your personal data are:

  1. enrolment into and maintaining your membership as our member;
  2. communicating to you your entitlements and privileges as our member;
  3. redemption of privileges as our member;
  4. notification of any amendment to the membership program; and
  5. customer profile update

Purposes for which it is only voluntary for you to provide your personal data are:

  1. to enable us for better understanding of demographics of our customers;
  2. for internal research and analysis to enable us to provide reward services and product information or offerings better tailored to your needs;
  3. market research and customer satisfaction survey; and
  4. to send out latest information of our products and services to our customers


3. Direct Marketing Activities


We will use your personal data for direct marketing purposes. According to the Ordinance, unless we receive your objection, we will continue using your personal data.


We will use your personal data for direct marketing purposes in following marketing subjects:

  1. communicating to you regarding WILLS JEWELLERY’s products, services and other promotional offers, including where applicable, jewellery and gold products;
  2. communicating to you regarding information of our promotional events, including where applicable, shop promotional events, jewellery shows/ events, private shopping day, public relations events, joint-promotion events; and
  3. latest updates of marketing reward programs, anniversary offers, birthday offers and other shop promotional offers.

If at any time you no longer wish us to use your personal data for direct marketing purposes as described above, you may exercise your opt-out rights by notifying us.


4. Disclosure

In any case where we collect personal data from you, we will:

  1. notify you (by the way of this PICS or by a separate notification) that we are doing so and the purposes of collecting such personal data;
  2. where relevant, provide you the appropriate channels to exercise your opt-out right; and
  3. notify you how we will store your personal data and how you can review, change and delete the personal data we have stored.

We will take all practicable steps to keep your personal data confidential but we may transfer/assign such data to the following parties:

  1. any agent, contractor or third party services provider who provides administrative, telecommunication, computerization and other services to us in connection with the processing and storage of your personal data; and
  2. any person to whom we are under an obligation to make disclosure under requirements of any law.


5. Security

Except as mentioned in point 4 above, your personal data, however stored, will be accessed only by our employees or contractors who are authorized to do so. Where personal data is stored electronically, it will be kept on a separate server which will be password-protected (or under some equivalent form of protection) and accessible only by authorized personnel. Employees and contractors designated to handle personal data will be instructed to do so only in accordance with this PICS.


6. Your Right to Access and Correction

You may at any time request access to and to correct personal data relating to you in any of our records. You may also ask us to delete you or your personal data from any active mailing or distribution list. To exercise any of your rights, you can contact us via the response channels stated in Point 8. In response, we may ask you to provide certain details about yourself so that we can ascertain you are the person to whom the data refers. Upon receiving your request, we will respond to you within 40 days.


7. Retention of Personal Data

We will keep your personal data only for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which the data was collected. We may also retain archived personal data for statistical purposes.

Personal Data which is no longer requires will be destroyed.


8. Personal Data Privacy Officer


If at any time you no longer wish to receive direct marketing message, please inform us via any one of the following response channels:


  1. contact our shop at +852 35719629; or
  2. by email to info@wills.hk .


If you want to access to/ update your personal data or have any enquiries, please call us at +852 35719629.